Content Guidelines

The goal of the Endangered Languages Project is to foster exchange of information related to at-risk languages. Please keep this purpose in mind when submitting content to the site. Any content deemed by moderators to be not in line with this goal may be removed.

You shall be solely responsible for your own content and the consequences of submitting it to the Endangered Languages Project. Only upload content for which you have the necessary licenses, rights, consents and permissions to publish on the site.

Please only include material that is appropriate to be shared openly online. Sacred material or other content that language speakers would not want shared should not be uploaded. If your video includes others, please make sure all speakers are properly informed and consent to the video being shared on the Internet. For reference, please review the Code of Ethics of the American Anthropological Association and the Code of Ethics of the Linguistic Society of America.

Most content uploaded to the Endangered Languages Project is hosted on several associated Google products or services, including YouTube, Picasa and Google Docs. Each of these services has their own product policies and content guidelines. In addition to these terms, all content submitted through other Google products or services must be in accordance with their associated terms. These include but are not limited to: a prohibition on content containing pornography, obscenity, pedophilia, bestiality or other sexually explicit material; hateful or violent content; harassing content or content that infringes another’s privacy.

The Endangered Languages Project must not be used for unlawful purposes or for promotion of dangerous and illegal activities. Advertising and use of the website and its resources for commercial purposes is not allowed.

We do not allow spamming or transmitting malware and viruses.

Submitting Comments

The Endangered Languages Project is designed to be a collaborative space for information sharing. For this reason comments and feedback are welcome on site content. When making comments on content displayed on the Endangered Languages Project site please abide by the following guidelines:

  • Keep comments readable. Use proper grammar and check your spelling. Don’t use excessive capitalization and punctuation.
  • Make comments useful. Post clear, valuable, and truthful information.
  • Be polite. Don’t attack others or post content that is abusive, hateful, threatening, or harassing.
  • Comments deemed to be off-topic or otherwise against these policies will be removed.

Reporting Content

If you find content you believe to be in violation of these guidelines please follow the flagging instructions to report the content for review.