Tracey, Herbert

Tracey Herbert originates from the St’uxwtews First Nation (Bonaparte Band), located in the territory of the Secwepemc Tribe in the Thompson Okanagan region of British Columbia’s interior. As CEO of the First Peoples’ Cultural Council, she has changed and influenced approaches to First Nations language preservation and revitalization in B.C. and Canada, and her leadership in the areas of health, cultural and linguistic well-being of First Nations is benefitting all of British Columbia by creating opportunities for all citizens to appreciate Indigenous culture.
Faith, Baisden

Faith Baisden is coordinator for First Languages Australia. She is a member of the Queensland Indigenous Languages Advisory Committee and has a strong interest in the production of resources for language programs and the use of new technologies to help with language teaching. Her country is Yugambeh in south east Queensland.
Lyle, Campbell

Dr. Lyle Campbell is professor emeritus, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. His specializations include language documentation, historical linguistics, Indigenous languages of the Americas, and typology. He has held appointments in Linguistics, Anthropology, Spanish, and Latin American Studies, published 23 books and c.200 articles, and received LSA’s “Bloomfield Book Award” twice. He was the Director of the Catalogue of Endangered Languages project at the University of Hawai’i, 2009–2016.
Craig, Cornelius

Dr. Craig Cornelius is a Senior Software Engineer at Google, working on the internationalization (I18N) team. As part of his work, he is privileged to work with language communities beginning to use their languages and writing systems on the internet, including Cherokee, Osage and other Native American languages, the writing systems of Myanmar, and Pular/Fulani in the ADLaM script.
Verónica, Grondona

Dr. Verónica Grondona is Associate Professor of linguistics at Eastern Michigan University. Her research focuses on Indigenous and endangered languages of the Americas, language documentation, historical linguistics, and typology.
Gary, Holton

Dr. Gary Holton is professor of linguistics at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, and director of the Catalogue of Endangered Languages. His work focuses on the documentation and description of Indigenous languages, especially the Dene (Athabascan) languages of Alaska and the non-Austronesian (Papuan) languages of eastern Indonesia.
Mary S., Linn

Dr. Mary S. Linn is Curator of Cultural and Linguistic Revitalization at the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. Her primary research is in effective grassroots strategies in language and cultural reclamation and sustainability, especially in small and minoritized language communities in Oklahoma, Western Europe, and Tibetan areas of China. For thirty years, she has been active in training community members and young linguists in language revitalization.
Oliver, Loode

Oliver Loode is a human rights and language activist whose work to promote and strengthen Finno-Ugric languages includes the SANA2019: Civil Society Network for Indigenous Languages project. He has served on the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues from 2014-2016, and is currently Managing Director of URALIC Centre for Indigenous Peoples NGO.
Kevin, Lowe

Dr. Kevin Lowe is a Gubbi Gubbi man from southeast Queensland. He is a Scientia Indigenous Fellow at UNSW, working on a community and school focused research project on developing a model of sustainable improvement in Aboriginal education. Kevin has had experience as a teacher, educational administrator and lecturer. He has expertise in working with Aboriginal community organisations on establishing Aboriginal language policy, school curriculum implementation and whole-school planning. Kevin has established the Aboriginal Voices project to support the development of a new culturally nourishing pedagogic framework to support teachers and their teaching of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
Emmanuel, Ngué Um

Dr. Emmanuel Ngué Um is a linguist and a language activist. Since 2018, he has served as Head of the Department of Cameroonian Languages and Cultures at the Higher Teacher Training College of Bertoua, East Region, Cameroon. He has previously been Senior Lecturer in Cameroonian Languages and Cultures at the Higher Teacher Training College of Yaoundé, 2013-2018. Dr. Ngue Um is also the Director of the Archive of Languages and Oral Resources of Africa (ALORA), hosted at the International Center for Research and Documentation on African Traditions and Languages (CERDOTOLA). He has been involved in language preservation for 11 years and has been awarded several research grants, including a major grant with ELDP.
Bill, Palmer

Dr. Bill Palmer is director of the University of Newcastle’s Endangered Languages Documentation, Theory and Application Research Program. He is a specialist in syntactic, morphological and phonological typology; the grammars of languages of Melanesia; and spatial cognition and linguistic and non-linguistic spatial behaviour.