This is the lyrics, in the Wesern Apache language, to our nation's National Anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner." It was originally a poem by Francis Scott Key written in 1814. It was later set to music by John Stafford Smith. The song presented here is sung in Western Apache by Paula M. Antonio, formerly Paula B. Morgan. This song is available on a CD single entitled "Star-Spangled Banner." Contact info for the artist is: Paula Morgan Antonio P.O. Box 814 San Carlos, AZ 8550 To all the soldiers who are stationed here in the U.S. or overseas, may God bless you and may this song bless you wherever you are. I hope this song adds to your Christmas celebration, Késhmish Baa Gózhó! (Merry Christmas in Apache).

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Language, Culture and Art
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2021-10-30 22:56:46