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Niger-Congo; Atlantic-Congo; Benue-Congo; Plateau
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Numana; Gwantu; Hausa; English

अस्खलित बोलणाऱ्यामूळ भाषकांची संख्या
वापर होत असलेले क्षेत्र
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भाषक संख्या कल
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Language Information By Source

अस्खलित बोलणाऱ्यामूळ भाषकांची संख्या
वापर होत असलेले क्षेत्र
No data
भाषक संख्या कल
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Location and Context
Ningeshen Kurmi village, Kaduna State, Nigeria
10.234350, 7.866383
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Numana; Gwantu; Hausa; English
No data
"The Ningye are multilingual; Numana and Gwantu are the main additional languages they speak, but Hausa is widely known and some younger people also speak English."

अस्खलित बोलणाऱ्यामूळ भाषकांची संख्या
वापर होत असलेले क्षेत्र
No data
भाषक संख्या कल
No data
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"The Ningye language is spoken by perhaps 4-5000 speakers at a maximum. Nonetheless, the language does not seem unduly threatened; during the language elicitation session it seemed that many of the children present were able to produce the required lexical items simultaneously with the adults."
Location and Context
9.222418, 8.586137
"The main village of the Ningye is Ningeshen Kurmi, some 19 km. south of Fadan Karshi on the Akwanga road. There are three other settlements, Akwankwan, Kobin and Ningeshen Dutse due north of Ningeshen Kurmi but these are all small."
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"The main village of the Ningye is Ningeshen Kurmi, some 19 km. south of Fadan Karshi on the Akwanga road. There are three other settlements, Akwankwan, Kobin and Ningeshen Dutse due north of Ningeshen Kurmi but these are all small."
No data
Numana, Gwantu, Hausa, English
No data
"The Ningye are multilingual; Numana and Gwantu are the main languages they speak, but Hausa is widely known and some younger people also speak English."
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- Endangered Languages Catalogue Project. Compiled by research teams at University of Hawai'i Mānoa and Institute for Language Information and Technology (LINGUIST List) at Eastern Michigan University2012. "Endangered Languages Catalogue Project. Compiled By Research Teams At University of Hawai'i Mānoa and Institute For Language Information and Technology (LINGUIST List) At Eastern Michigan University."
- Field trip to record the status of some little-known Nigerian languagesBlench, R. (1999). Field trip to record the status of some little-known Nigerian languages. Ogmios Newsletter, 11-14.
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